love it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

But I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you...

Drama snagged my camera this morning and took about 46137 pictures of the dog and my parents really hideous couch. She just cracks me up. She gets so very excited over the smallest things, and she loves life. LOVES IT. She cannot get enough of the world around her. I honestly think she could play in the sand box every day and still be so excited to get covered in it.

Today she asked me where babies come from. Well, okay, not straight up, but she asked if we could get one from Target. Ahh, a girl after my own heart. We love Target around here...not so much AD, but he's a guy. So back to buying a baby! Drama is only 27 months, and I don't feel right being all "mommy and daddy have sex and then x,y,z happens and 9 months later - A BABY!" She is way too smart, and with my luck she would repeat every. last. word. So I told her this, "Mommy and daddy have to make a baby (not a lie) and then the baby will grow and grow in mommy's tummy until he/she is ready to come out. When the baby is ready mommy will push the baby out, like when you go poop on the potty (yes, because we are potty training), and the baby will be here!" I explained that the baby would be small at first and then he/she will grow and grow. Her response? "And now I can have a brother?"

I ran a few names by her last week, and she loves one that is similar to her own. My mother mentioned a middle name that could go with it, and that is all Drama will talk about. She runs around asking for him, talking about him, etc. I have told her that mommy and daddy are not having a baby right now, but she doesn't seem to care. I love that girl, but I just want to stop hearing about babies.

Let me tell you, blog, about all of the people in my life that are pregnant. My personal trainer, my hair stylist, my good friend, my better friend (my BEST friend, Fabulous, had a baby girl in Nov of 2009), and two other women that I know, but we aren't super BFFs or anything. I am over joyed for each and every one of them, but come on!

My BFF, Fabulous, is always so positive when my attitude about it is craptastic. She reminds me all of the time, that when the time is right, it will happen. Sometimes, she is just too up beat about it for me, and I absolutely love her for it. Fabulous was recently eating lunch at my house when one of my girlfriends came over and announced her pregnancy. (This girlfriend and her husband have a daughter that is one month younger than Drama, and they have been trying since then to get pregnant with baby dos.) It truly made me happy that they are expecting, I just was not ready for the wave of emotions I was going to feel. This all went down last week, so I wasn't yet in my delirious state about us having a child. Fab did a great job of helping me talk about other things. I don't know if she could sense my annoyance/frustration/self pity, but she did what she always does, and made sure I stayed upbeat.

I think I could spend an entire week posting about Fabulous, because her name just fits her. My life is so much better because she is in it. And now I will go break out into song, where did I put my Wicked CD anyway?

Drama @ my cousins wedding last month.

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