love it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Short Hiatus

AD and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary last week. It was great! He bought me a new cell phone, and we went out to eat to two great restaurants. It was so great to be able to spend time with him without one or both of us wrangling Drama in. I forgot how great adult time is! Our relationship has grown and changed so much in the last year, and it is amazing. I love that guy, and I am so thankful that he loves me back.

We also took Drama in to get some random pictures done. It isn't a special month or anything like that, but I had some coupons that were about to expire, so I figured, why not? Well wouldn't ya know it - she took the best pictures to date. She was horrible at sitting and listening (but hello, she is almost 28 months). The photographer was so very patient, and she got some amazing shots. We bought a big 10x13 to hang in the stairwell at the new house.

Since my last post, I have tried to pull my mind away from my constant need for a baby. I would be doing well for a few days and then BAM! someone else is pregnant. Is there some 2010/2011 baby boom going on? Because seriously people, you are going to make me go bankrupt with all of the showers that will be happening from September until April. AD and I decided that we would wait until September to really start trying. And that is great, and I really hoped that setting a time frame would help ease my fever, but it hasn't. I have, however, found other ways to rest my mind. Jogging and some other exercise have really helped me.

I have a lot going on in the next month that will help take my mind off of things. In a week and a half I am traveling with an old friend of mine to visit our friend in Kentucky. I am really looking forward to a 3 day break, and to finally get to kiss the cheeks of all of the adorable babies and toddlers I will be surrounded by. After that I have a garage sale, and then a trip back for labor day, and then who knows, we might go to Kansas. AD's mom turns 60  this year, and I would love to go, but we don't know what the plan is yet.

One month. I can do this. HA.

All my love.

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