love it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Little Thing Called Friendship

Drama has a best friend. She loves him more than any of her other friends. All she does is talk about him when he isn't around. She will ask me where he is, or what he is doing, or what he is eating (because I have the power to know these things). Well, every Monday she gets to play with her best friend. They just crack me up when they are together. He has only been here for an hour, and they are both already covered in stickers. We have slain the evil dragon (aka The Brown Lab) three times, and each of them has been knighted more than once.

When I first started watching 2D (bf) and his adorable baby sister back in February, I felt like I was constantly trying to keep the older two from killing each other. You see, they are a little over a month apart and so they clash sometimes. Usually over things like who was playing with what toy first, whose cup is whose, silly toddler things. It amazes me how they have grown over the past 6 months. They have gone from parallel-play to using their imaginations, and I love it.

Right now they are pretending to be mommy and daddy, but because of their age Drama is the Daddy and 2D is the mommy. I am so thankful that they love each other, and even more thankful for2D's mom, Fabulous. Where would I be without these people in my life?

Recently Fabulous and I went out for a late night coffee session. It was our way of getting out of the house without doing what we usually do - shop. So we sat at Starbucks for hours, and she told me her life story. It took a lot not for me to cry. I felt like she was reading some weird book about my life, I will admit - her story is more interesting than mine in parts, what there are things that are very similar. It amazed me how much guilt was lifted off of my shoulders as she spoke to me. Finally knowing that I was not alone in things I had struggled with as a child and teen. Knowing that if Drama wanted to spend the night at her house, I could fully trust that my worst nightmares would never happen withing the walls of her home. I felt so free, to have someone to talk to about the darkest secrets of my life.

About 14 months ago now, I confessed my secrets out loud to AD. It was not easy, and I felt a lot of guilt and shame. It had been keeping me awake for weeks, and I knew I was being spiritually attacked. If I couldn't stop thinking about what a horrible person I was, than I could never accept that God loved me because of who I am, and what I have been through. So, I finally got up the courage to spill it all to my husband. It felt good to get it off my chest, but there is something that is withheld when you tell someone who hasn't also walked that same path. When I could finally tell Fabulous about it, I could just feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.

I finally allowed myself to re-invest in a friendship that I was certain had been ruined when I was a child. I was positive that this woman would never want to be friends with me, but she does, and I am very thankful. She brings something to my life that none of my other friends do - a sort of simpleness. She doesn't waste her time worrying about having the nicest clothes, or the latest gadget, or always being right. And she is just so happy, and it is contagious when you are around her. I am thankful that she is back in my life, just as long as she doesn't get knocked up in the next few weeks!

I am truly blessed to have so many great friends, and I love what each one of them brings to my life.

All my love.